Pierce Shades
The Unwanted

Rat Race
R'rrrrt of the Dust Devils
Knife Skulker of the Memories of Mongoose


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 161 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Short simple brown
Clothing: Black business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: Scar across right-hand knuckles, small scar on left temple; "thousand yard stare"
Supernatural Qualities: Dangerous edge to that vacant gaze when it focuses in
Accoutrements: Concealed weapons
Traits: Appearance 2; Infamy 10, Obligation 10, Cunning 10

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 197 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Bristling with snarling fury
Accoutrements: Nasty-looking crimson-tinted curved knife
Traits: Appearance 0; Infamy 10, Obligation 10, Cunning 10; Reduced Delirium

Height: 6"
Weight: 3 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Moves in almost blinding blur
Accoutrements: none
Traits: Appearance 2; Infamy 10, Obligation 10, Cunning 10

"Rule #1: don't fuck up."

"Rule #2: don't fuck around."

"Rule #3: trust nobody."


Date of Birth: November 21st, 1962
Home: Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, United States
Family: Harry and Ruth Bomberg (parents), Judy (older sister); Aaron (birth name)
First Change: External Supernatural Trigger (impoverished family, he was a kid who never grew a conscience, started killing as an enforcer for a Jewish gang, but on his third target, a Ratkin marked him as Kin and gave him the Plaguebite, dragging the incoherent and incapacitated teen through Umbral boltholes to change without human interference), 1978
Mentor: Blizz Gouter
The Test: Trial by Combat (his Change marked him as a Knife Skulker after he shared visions of the Wyrm drowning in its own blood and himself cutting its throat; after his brief rearing, to earn his place, he had to blood his teacher first in a knife fight)
Comrades: Dion Kane, Anaba Brings-the-Peyote, Ravin Rante
Key Event #1: Treachery (after his rite of passage, he returned to the killer's life as a freelancer for years, but he began killing his employers after the job was done, if they were also tainted by the Wyrm)
Key Event #2: War (Pierce stayed out of plague politics and war for years until warren lords hired him to help; he proved a loyal killer that didn't stab his fellow Ratkin in the back, and he slew many rivals or usurpers in the Rat Race)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (through the grapevine, his name as a dependable mercenary reached the Mongoose's Paws project, and he was invited to represent his people; he accepted only after negotiating a plum deal of rewards and expectations while on the team; from the beginning, he proved quiet, reserved, and taciturn if deadly in a fight; only the Ajaba, Dion Kane, really appealed to him as a friend)
Key Event #4: War (Pierce held misgivings about the Mongoose's Paws spectacular final campaign into Malfeas to slay the Duke of Steel, servant of Abhorra, the Urge Wyrm of Hate, but he proved reliable and brave, and indeed his fame would sky rocket after he not only delivered the killing blow to the dark lord after the long two month ordeal, he escaped Malfeas itself and lived to tell abouut it!)
Key Event #5: Treachery (Pierce returned to his former life as a Ratkin killer-for-hire, accepting bigger and harder jobs of course, as well as an apprentice [Clarissa], and with or without her, he pushed his limits against mighty targets, even vampire elders and Pentex bigshots, narrowly escaping many close calls)
Key Event #6: Awe & Wonder (Pierce kept in contact with Dion but felt neutral about getting the Mongoose's Paws survivors back together, but met with Anaba -- who found him despite his usual careful efforts to stay hidden -- and she convinced him to at least meet with everyone)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (after meeting with the other three survivors, Pierce agreed that the now so-called Memories of Mongoose could serve as a good role model for the future of Gaia's children -- less out of any sense of altruism, more out of sense of righteous dominance over all enemies)


Blood Blade
Appearance: A twenty-inch wavy-bladed dagger tinted dark red, with a leather-strapped hilt and handle marked with Ratkin glyphs
Origin: Gift
Effects: Inflict double damage (like a Fang Dagger), draining one Health Level per wound and transferring it to the wielder to restore his health
Activation: The weapon is not attuned until someone has been killed with it and the entire weapon submerged in their heart blood

Battle Scars

Class: Superficial
Description: Light scar tissue
Location: Across all four knuckles on his right hand
Origin: Punched a wall when he was a kid pre-Plague
Effects: none

Class: Superficial
Description: Small slashing scar tissue
Location: Left temple
Origin: Blizz Gouter's Pain Dagger cut him during training
Effects: none

Significant Other

Name: Clarissa Marks; 2008
Nature: Companionship


Top of His Game

Pierce is a world-renowned Knife Skulker killer. There are Nezumi ninja who want to study his techniques. It's hard to get any better than this, and he doesn't seem to know how to really capitalize on his own legacy. Then again, maybe that's a good thing; too much attention is never good for business.

Likelihood of Corruption


Pierce knows what's what and quite frankly, with his reputation, the Wyrm isn't going to try to corrupt him. It just wants to kill him. He proved that the Lord of Hate can be killed by any man if the right protocols are followed, and the killer is a professional. The last words that Duke Steel heard? "Nothing personal, pal." The worst thing for the champion of hatred and bigotry to hear, to realize he was just another mark, another notch on the belt. As Dion would say, nothing but another bustah-ass beetchsnazz (whatever that means).


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"Yeah, I'm the guy. I'm the guy that killed the Devil. What of it?"