
Silver Seer
Doshi of the Opal Lead
Lunar Phantom of the Court of Bamboo Talons


Hitogata: ~Hotaru sports simple attire: low-top Doc Martens, white khakis, and a deep red silk dress shirt. A worn denim jacket is usually slung over his arms unless weather forbids it as insensibility. Hotaru appears to be about 5'7" and couldn't weigh more than 150 pounds. The 30ish Japanese man bears a solemn and silent expression. Sunglasses hide his eyes, though in-close inspection reveals his eyes to be liquid and distant. Black hair is kept short and meticulously groomed. His face is well-angled and sturdy. His body is clearly well-toned though not muscled and fills out his clothing. He could easily find work as a model if it interested him. But it seems nothing interests this man. He stares vaguely off at nothing, he scowls when people stare at him, and otherwise seems content playing the wallflower. If pressed, he might issue forth a polite but curt statement. But he holds himself aloof and superior in his own silent, unfathomable ways. He may be a fox of a man, but he seems to prefer the epithet of "arrogant schmuck". Might be best to leave him to it.~

OOC: Appearance 4 (roguish); Venus Descending; Glory 7, Virtue 8, Wisdom 10

Sambuhenge: ~In this rarely assumed form, Hotaru's clothing now covers a slightly fuzz-covered body. His ears elongate, his eyes become thin and slanted, his nose grows just a bit longer, and whiskers sprout from his cheeks.~

OOC: Appearance 4 (roguish); Venus Descending; Glory 7, Virtue 8, Wisdom 10

Koto: ~Though not a true war-form, Hotaru enjoys this shape most of all and assumes whenever possible--always from the prying eyes of humans. He grows from his natural 5'7" to 5'9", and his head loses all form of human shape save the clever gleam in the canine eyes. His head takes a completely vulpine appearance, right down to the sharply-toothed muzzle. His clothing vanishes entirely, and his body is hidden with soft, gray fur. A long, fluffy fox-tail hangs from his rear and he moves overall with stately grace--this being the form of the earth-bound gods.~

OOC: Appearance 0 (Appearance 4 to other Kitsune and many shen); Venus Descending; Glory 7, Virtue 8, Wisdom 10

Juko: ~In this form, Hotaru drops to all fours, becoming indistinguishable from most other canines. Essentially, he's become a gray fox with the physical mass of a wolf. As this is the closest to a war-form the Nine-Tails get, he often sports his multiple tails -- currently two long, fluffy details. His black lips part often with a soft growl, sharp teeth revealed as he readies himself for what is about to come.~

OOC: Appearance 4; Venus Descending; Glory 7, Virtue 8, Wisdom 10

Kyubi: ~Hotaru enjoys this form a great deal, due to its mobility and innocuousness. When in the wilderness, one can expect to find him in this shape most often. His quick-footed, clever-eyed vulpus takes him far.~

OOC: Appearance 4 (roguish); Venus Descending; Glory 7, Virtue 8, Wisdom 10

"Go away."



Hotaru was born Fujimon Yoshi, and as a boy he grew up knowing he was special, dreaming other worlds, of other fantastical peoples. But his father, a hard-working businessman with an interest in suits and high-class garments, tried to keep his feet on the ground by sending him to private school in Kobe. Besides, there was no one at home to take care of Yoshi. His father told him his mother died at childbirth. Even at school, he dozed off into daydreams. He had no interest in the mundane life around him. He felt detached from it all, but angry he was forced to remain in it. As he grew older, he became even more isolating, shooing away potential friends and ignoring (or ignorant of) the admiring looks female schoolmates often gave.

First Change & Tutelage

His youth ended quietly at the age of thirteen. In his private quarters, he awakened from a daydream to find himself wearing the fur of a four foot-something fox-man. Startled, he dashed to the bathroom to look in the mirror, certain he was still dreaming. He wasn't. He nearly entered a fox frenzy right then and there, but found himself shrinking back to his natural form just by desiring it. And fortunately, before he could run amok, ignorant of what he really was, the spirits had reported to the nearby Court of Endless Moons about his First Change. A Four-Tail arrived and Yoshi had soon vanished from his human life, forever -- assumed a runaway.

Yoshi adopted quickly to the ways of the Kitsune and hengeyokai. The Court of Endless Moons was a Beast-Court run by primarily Hakken and Kitsune, though several other Breeds stood within. The Four-Tail who found him was his first (and last sempai), and still roams Zhongguo by the name of Three-Ways-Through-The-Gate. He became acquainted with each and the ways of the shen. He became especially acquainted with the spirit worlds, and immediately chose the Path of Doshi. Yoshi was renamed Hotaru ("firefly") because of his quiet ways but bright mind. He served the Court of Endless Moons loyally but quietly for several years. In time, however, the needs of the Emerald Mother dictated that his destiny lay elsewhere. He was transferred to Korea, to the Court of the Jeweled Flower in Inch'on. Here he joined a Sentai (known as the Lightning Jade Protectors) as Mirror with an expressed, singular purpose -- protect the secrets of True Jade from the rapacious talons of the Kuei-jin and any other abusive shen.

Early Years

In recent times, a nefarious plot was uncovered. A group of strange necromancers had come to the Wan Kuei's Green Courts from India. They showed interest in many things, including True Jade. Though his Sentai's Leaf tried to reason with the Bone Flower elders of the local Green Court via diplomacy, it became clear that the Wan Kuei were too greedy for what the strange necromancers had to offer, and were willing to trade any secrets. This the Court of the Jeweled Flower and the Lightning Jade Protectors could not tolerate. His Sentai was dispatched with the single purpose -- thwart these necromancers from uncovering the secrets of True Jade, no matter the cost in Wan Kuei blood. And much of it ended up being spilled as the Bone Flowers dispatched their own killer Wu. But the hengeyokai were fiercer combatants, as they usually are, and the Bone Flowers could not stop the Sentai from reaching the necromancers' haven. Fighting off ghosts with ghosts of their own, the Sentai battled with the necromancers. Several fell, but most retreated, realizing that they had stumbled onto something they should not have. The Wan Kuei to this date will not tell these necromancers what it is that exactly riled the hengeyokai so, and the remaining necromancers have been much more cautious in their dealings. Though the Sentai lost three members, the secrets of True Jade were protected.

Recent Years

Lacking a Sentai, the now acclaimed and aptly deed-named Kori-no-Hisui-Denko ("Icy Jade Lightning"), noted for his ruthless calm during the battles and cunning that ended up thwarting his Sentai's foes, was given a choice of places he might go. Hotaru looked over his options, and finally decided upon going far abroad -- to America. He arrived to Kansas City's Little Asia, seeking fortune, wisdom, and secret lores where few have looked before. He soon attached himself to the Court of the Infinite Ages. He served here quietly for its duration. But when this multi-shen Court splintered into the Coalition of Courts of Little Asia, Hotaru was honored with a greater position as Court Seer. He reached the Steel Rank of recognition and erstwhile works diligently at understanding all the lore he may. It remains to be seen what happens for Hotaru from there; success generates many enemies... He may again be called upon to protect the secrets of True Jade. In the mean time, Hotaru continues to drift off vaguely. Though his childhood dreams are now reality, the werefox still sees...beyond. It seems as more of his dreams become reality, the more removed he becomes -- seeking bigger and better visions.

But one vision that seemed to be denied to Hotaru was love. Once more, his heart led him astray. He fell in love with a beautiful woman, Kamelia, and they married and had a son -- a Kinfolk son. For awhile, all was joy. Hotaru was able to spend time on his studies and his young family. But as time wore on, the Doshi grew more frustrated with his quest to unlock True Jade's potential. His anger was finally taken out -- accidentally -- on poor Kamelia. That began a deterioration of their romance, and Hotaru only grew more surly and isolated. What was the key to his dilemma? The dilemma of Jade that is. He seemed to care more about that than his family anyway. Unable to hold back the tears or reality of the situation, Kamelia took their son, Chaim, and left Hotaru, returning to her homeland of Hawai'i. Hotaru was broken-hearted. Over the course of the next few years, he struggled to make it up to his girl. She agreed to give him a second chance.


Level: 3
Gnosis: 7
Origin: This was Hotaru's first successful fetish creation, pieced together from some of his first kills.
Description: It is a black jade locket with gold inlay hanging from a leather thong. Within the locket rests a silk-wrapped scrap of slain Bane-flesh.
Effects: 1) cause Banes to believe wearer is one of them
Activation: The locket must be briefly opened to expose the scraps of demon-flesh to the bearer's personal space.

Gnostic Bag
Level: 4
Gnosis: 9
Origin: As Hotaru grew in power, the Beast-Court called upon him to craft many fetishes. This one he saved for himself at the height of his power, binding a rabbit-like Engling into the pouch.
Description: Hotaru crafted this small pouch from finely woven rice reeds containing solidified chunks of Gnosis that appear to be small green hard candies. It is adorned with Kitsune-go glyphs of protection and magic.
Effects: 1) provide spare Gnosis
Activation: Each "candy" consumed provides 1 point of Gnosis. He must feed more Gnosis into the bag to recharge it.

Clear Water (talens)
Gnosis: 4
Origin: Hotaru created these talens for the local Middle Dragons' use, but the Water Elemental was very pliable. The Doshi has plenty of "left-overs" -- 5 bottles, in fact.
Description: It appears to be a 4-ounce, oval-shaped bottle filled with water so pure and sparkling it seems electrified.
Effects: 1) cleanse any small body of water of pollution; 2) act as the Gift, Resist Toxin
Activation: To activate the talen, the water must simply be poured into a stream, lake, pond, creek, or river. Or, for Effect #2, the water must be drunk.

Wyrm Scales (talens)
Gnosis: 8
Origin: In service to the local hengeyokai, Hotaru set a number of talens for his comrades' use. Wyrm Scales are questionable, however, and he retains most of these -- he has 6 left.
Description: These are small sheets of rice paper, prayer slips, with kanji glyphs carefully inked on one side -- the ink made from blood. They are bound with a Bane (a Kalus, specifically). When used, the power alerts the Wyrm to the sigil's existence, and it is consumed in flame thereafter.
Effects: 1) force a servant of Yomi to revert to its true form
Activation: The prayer slip must be cast at the target's feet and a curse uttered.

Yomi Slayer Spells (talens)
Gnosis: 5
Origin: In addition to Wyrm Scales, Hotaru also bound Fire-spirits to create a dozen of these over time. He has retained 6 for his own use.
Description: These are slips of rice paper, prayer papers, inscribed with the kanji for holy fire. The spirits within bolt the prayer slips at demonic foes when cast, and explode like fireballs on contact.
Effects: 1) inflict fire-based aggravated damage
Activation: The talen must be cast at the target, and the energies give it magical accuracy.

Significant Other

Kamelia "Jaden" Cailou is a smoking hot model of Hawai'ian and Chinese heritage. When Hotaru met her in 2002, he was flabbergasted, not only by her beauty but her rare lineage: she was also kin to the Kitsune. Furthermore, she possessed certain minor but useful latent psychic abilities. In short, for a Doshi, she was a real catch. With the best foxy charms he could muster, he seduced the model. Their romance was fiery, resulting eventually in a child: a son named Chaim. But the often reclusive Doshi alienated his lover and their son over time and she finally left him in 2008. Heartbroken, efforts to regain her affections persisted until he succeeded in 2012. Facing loneliness and desperation, she agreed to give him a second chance. Hotaru agreed, for he was finally realizing just how the pieces were fitting together in his and their conjoined lives.


Significant Other

Name: Inazumako, 2008
Nature: Volatile



Like many visionary thinkers, scholars, and inventors, Hotaru has a tendency to isolate. He often locks himself away in his study, poring over ancient texts or enacting secretive rituals.

Likelihood of Corruption


He's Doshi. He insists on fighting his own battles against the Corrupter. Eventually, he will lose a battle. And losing battles against Banes does not necessarily mean physical injury. As for being tempted, however, Hotaru possesses all the Kitsune confidence and snootiness to decline any infernal offer. He is already perfect. He doesn't need Hell's help.


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