Waking Blood

Prixa of the Gekko-Ha
Brightwater of the Deeps
Karui of the Teeth of Basalt
Gold Guardian Shinju Tsuioku Grotto
Ethereal Phoenix of the Court of the Celestial Oasis


Kabina: ~The rare moment Choi opts for this human form is usually for a definite reason. In that case, clothing would have been pre-arranged. He wears simple attire: just a pair of shorts, sandals, and a wifebeater. Easily put on and removed. Choi's Kabina form isn't too grotesque, perhaps due to his shark species' sleek beauty of their own. He looks to be an Asian man in his late 20s or early 30s, nationality indeterminable. Choi is a sturdy man, well-muscled but not burly. His true physical impression is graceful and sleek -- a man built for speed rather than force. His jaw is set a little wider than the average human, but what really takes from any attractiveness are the crease lines of hardened man. Call it cynicism, anger, or what you will, he clearly has little patience with what occurs around him while wearing Kabina. Choi is completely bald, as if he never grew hair in the first place. His dark brown eyes are virtually black, an eery piscean effect due his race.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Glory 9, Virtue 7, Wisdom 4

Tsufu: ~Assumed even more rarely than Kabina, Choi might take this form only when shapechanging from Kabina and Karvu and he is interrupted. He is well aware of how unsightly the pale, hardened skin, wide black eyes, and hunchback-like mound is to everyone who sees it. And even the hengeyokai could mistake a Tsufu for a bakemono. So only rarely will Choi take this form.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Glory 9, Virtue 7, Wisdom 4

Karvu: ~Many foes have witnessed Choi in this massive, bipedal form. Razor-sharp denticles, iron-hard claws, and massive muscle power tower the Same-Bito to nine and a half feet. The Karvu's scales on his back are dark, indigo-blue, paling around his side, while his front is bleach-white. A sleek, pointed shark head is level, large circular black eyes never losing focus. A thick tail sways as Choi advances, gaping maw hungry for flesh and blood. A rudder-like dorsal fin extends from his back, visible as he lurches forward with the promise of icy death in the shark's eyes.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Reduced Delirium; Glory 9, Virtue 7, Wisdom 4

Warui: ~Any humanoid limbs vanish when Waking Blood assumes his war-form of choice: the massive "Jaws-like" Chasmus. Now approximately twenty-three feet of sheer requiem power and speed, the Warui boasts jaws capable of swallowing a man whole. Overall, Choi's Warui form simply appears as a gigantic version, twice the length and weight, of his natural breed form, Watasami. The terrifying predator, however, can send mortals screaming in sheer panic.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Full Delirium; Glory 9, Virtue 7, Wisdom 4

Watasami: ~Choi was born a blue shark and prefers this form most of all. A sleek and stream-lined member of the requiem shark family, Choi was built for speed and he knows it. Having honed that down to an art, the lightning fast hunter glides effortlessly through the deep. Ten slender (for a shark) feet long and several hundred pounds, Waking Blood boasts two dorsal fins and longer pectoral fins. His head and snout, like those fins, is narrow. White-rimmed, wide black eyes rest above a primal maw of serrated, triangular teeth. What is most striking about Waking Blood and his species is his coloration. Near his back and dorsal fins, his hard, denticled skin is hued indigo-blue. His sides pale to a lighter blue, while his underbelly bleaches to a distinct white.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Glory 9, Virtue 7, Wisdom 4

"Shoot me, stab me with your harpoon. I will return the favor. We'll see who's still standing. We'll see who survives."



Choi remembered swimming the great Sea of Japan and beyond for several years before returning to witness the consummation of the Russo-Japanese War. Even before this war, he found himself swimming towards the surface. Perhaps it was out of curiousity about the sky. Maybe it was the strange floating seashells with funny little four-limbed creatures in them. He remembered once that one of those things threw something hard and sharp at him. It grazed past his hard skin. It hurt. That was the first time Choi was angry. He swam deeper and away and did not bother the surface much more while he began to realize he was actually...feeling...and thinking...and on a conscious level he had not before. It was frightening.

First Change & Tutelage

So he began to reach out for answers. They came first when he finally dared the surface again -- to find the strange seashell creatures fighting each other now, with loud starbursts mainly. And then he heard them, felt them -- more sharks below and around him. Calling to each other and calling to him, he listened and found himself among them as they all raced towards one of the seashells and suddenly became vast, giant sharks, crashing all into the bottom of that floating seashell. And Choi helped, not realizing that he too had become a fearsome Chasmus beast. He zipped towards the seashell with speed that put even the others to shame. The attack went on til the shell had a big hole in it, and the sharks swam away. Choi went with them, and found himself communicating with one of this slew. Her name was Eyes-of-Turquoise and she complimented him on his natural swiftness. Down they went into the depths, and that is where Choi began to learn the truth of his kind. The slew fell upon the creatures that sank with the seashell, and the feeding frenzy began. Choi's swift, strong body flashed into the carnage, tearing into bodies, and zipping away from an angry Karui mako named Teeth-of-Lightning -- earning him already the name of Waking Blood. The mako should have been awake, because Choi left him in bloody wake.

Choi was adopted into this family and learned the ways of the Same-Bito, the Sea, and even some of what was going on inland, among the hengeyokai. Though admittedly curious, he was more concerned with the men and their ships and their harpoons. He learned how to fight and he learned how to swim. He learned how to talk to the spirits and how to address his betters. He learned all there was to learn and was soon eager to prove himself. Many a whaling and sharking vessel fell to this habatsu's wrath.

Rank One

Time went on and Choi -- a name he adopted for interaction with hengeyokai -- became very adapted to his new life. He spent many years using his great speed and tenacity to effect Same-Bito goals, particularly as scout and messenger. He earned something of a name for himself in the Pacific Ocean, particularly in the Sea of Japan and China. Choi and his habatsu became one of the most hated adversaries of the Ahoi Whaling Company. This division of Hallahan Fishing (and therefore a subsidiary of Pentex) decided to do something about these troublesome shark-shifters. They sent out a vessel with a special plan -- to blow up when the Same-Bito boarded it.

And the trap worked. Three of five Same-Bito perished, as did every human on board. The other three were terribly wounded. Choi and Sweet-Tooth were the only survivors. Choi recovered Teeth-of-Lightning's powerful Spear of Amaterasu, and the two survivors, injured but alive, swam away. The habatsu was broken and two sharks parted ways. Choi spent the next few decades swimming all the seas he could, traveling further than most Rokea, nevermind the clannish Same-Bito, ever did. He encountered many hostile situations and people along the way, but also met and befriended a number of Remora and Rorqual.

Choi learned of how the Western Rokea overall despised the Same-Bito, calling them "betweeners" and "traitors". That they had abandoned the simple Law of the Rokea for the silly homid rules of hengeyokai. What did they know? The Mandates encouraged the Same-Bito to follow their ways, and they did -- nowhere did the Rokea Law forbid any of the Mandates. Indeed, while following the Mandates was hardly a notable effort for the seabound Same-Bito, it granted them worthy allies against Sea's foes. The Zhong Lung were great allies and the Nagah...well if the Rokea knew what the Same-Bito knew of the Nagah, they'd know that the Same-Bito weren't wrong after all, if the Judges of Gaia didn't think it so.

Recent Years

But that never really disturbed Choi. He knew he could handle himself while travelling. He knew he could return home and never fear the dim-witted Dimwaters trying to Hunt down his kind. When he finally did return home, however, he was in shock. There was dissent among his kind. There was lemming talk, talk about abandoning the hengeyokai completely. There was uneducated talk, talk that the Mandates interfered with the true ways of the Same-Bito. Choi was annoyed and aloofly silent on the matter. He simply joined loose groups of Same-Bito to once again plague the whalers. Ahoi Whaling became desperate, and airplane escort monitored ships -- and observed Same-Bito attacks. However, the airplanes were courtesy of Hallahan and Pentex -- and they simply cached the data for future...reference. Choi could have found himself in great trouble should his surface escapades have risen again.

But times were changing and so was Waking Blood's fortune. Nami-o, an ancient Same-Bito king, summoned Waking Blood. He told him of the likely future. He explained to him that many Same-Bito would devolve into the simpleton brutes he had met beyond the hengeyokai territory. He said life would not be as good as it had once been if the Same-Bito loyalists did not bind together and form a strong habatsu. Their goal was to simply to survive and keep the ways of the Same-Bito alive. Choi agreed, and learned of the Shinju Tsuioku, its connection to Umi, and a stranger haven.


Spear of the Wound
Level: 4
Gnosis: 7
Origin: Choi acquired this harpoon-fetish from the fallen Teeth-of-Lightning. Among the Same-Bito, this fetish is also known as the Spear of Amaterasu.
Description: The shaft alone is six feet of the finest, sturdiest wood, protected by a mystical oil that prevents both decay and breaking even in the jaws of the fiercest shark-warrior. The straight dual-tined head, one prong much shorter than the other -- designed for extra "bite" -- was forged of the finest steel reputedly melted down in a spirit-furnace fueled by Helios himself. When activated, the harpoon's head glows as bright as day, acting as a large and superior flashlight for the most part -- but this sunlight-like effect can drive the minions of darkness and burn like fire.
Effects: 1) inflict aggravated damage, 2) radiates sunlight in a 15 yard radius
Activation: The harpoon must simply be brandished to activate the fetish, and ready Effect #1. For Effect #2, the wielder must be near or on the surface, and hold the spear high to the sky. It can be day or night.

Significant Other

In far off Hawai'i, these two met back in 2003 under deadly circumstances. As Lani "Kapolioka'ehukai" Kamano is Kin to the Rokea, a Betweener-hunter targeted the young teen when she was out surfing near a quiet grotto. Choi, recognizing the same heritage, interceded. In truth, Hawai'i is the last frontier for the Middle Kingdom and is often contested by Same-Bito and Rokea, who see the hengeyokai weresharks as traitors and Betweeners. But the Code of Mizuchi hardly made the Same-Bito soft, as Choi proved to that Dimwater when he saved Lani. Revealing to the girl his true nature and her true bloodline, Choi in time won the girl's affections. Affection grew into late afternoon passions and secret nighttime romance. Choi swims all over the Pacific, but visits her island all the time to keep her safe. She tries to cultivate her lover some, but he remains resistant to learning much about human customs. To be quite honest, Choi loves Lani but wants her especially for her ability to bear him offspring. Fine-dining is lost on this Same-Bito!



As a hunter of the deep, Choi is as unparalleled as one would expect. His impatience does not generally affect that. It's his impatience with others. Younger Same-Bito who don't understand the trouble they're in as so many others turn their backs on the Zhong Lung and hengeyokai entirely. The more traditional Western Rokea with zero tolerance for anything that deviates from their uneducated, unenlightened "law". Despoilers of the seas -- whalers especially. All of this just annoys Waking Blood more and more, isolating him more and more from his comrades and kin.

Likelihood of Corruption


Choi is hardly a saint in spite of how he yearns to adhere to the Code of Sensei Mizuchi as well as the other codes of the sea. Like all Rokea, he is an angry warrior and berserker at heart. While that Rage can serve him well, it can also cause more problems...and open the way to the corruption of Yomi.


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