Merrill Cynch

Voto of the Rat Race
Engineer of the Warren of the Rotten Core


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Yellow and blue-denim casual or black clubwear
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: This gorgeous young lady seems eager to help anyone who nicely asks for it, and seems quite relaxed and curious, if apparently an "airhead blonde" due to her occasional clumsy lack of awareness, one whose open-hearted sweetheart policy endears and attracts
Supernatural Qualities: There's just something not quite right about her, something kind of...kooky
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry, sometimes a pair of glasses (usually wears contacts)
Traits: Appearance 5 (cute); Animal Magnetism; Infamy 2, Cunning 3, Obligation 2

Height: 6'10"
Weight: 200 lb.
Eyes: Red
Hair: White fur
Supernatural Qualities: Suddenly, she's a monster: a towering rat-woman with a long, swinging, naked tail, and heaving with pent-up energy and uncaged fury, yet even as her eyes bead out into glimmering red bulbs, curiosity commands her rodent face above all behind a burst of keen whiskers
Accoutrements: Brandished suddenly in her clawed hands is a (dedicated) Nerf gun that's been janky-rigged to launch very real, very sharp circular saw blades
Traits: Appearance 0; Delirium (reduced); Infamy 2, Cunning 3, Obligation 2

Height: 5"
Weight: .5 lb.
Eyes: Red
Hair: White fur
Supernatural Qualities: A white "labbie" (a rat bred for laboratory uses and experiments) of average dimensions and a sweet, trusting disposition, yet even here the intelligence in her eyes cannot be denied
Traits: Appearance 5 (cute); Infamy 2, Cunning 3, Obligation 2

“I know just the fix! Hold still, this won't hurt. Maybe.”


Date of Birth: February 14th, 2006
Home: La Tourette Park, Staten Island, New York City, New York, United States
Family: Jack and Jill21 (parents), unknown number of other ratty relatives—presumably lots, including 2 littermates from whom she was immediately separated at birth
First Change: Personal Tragedy (Merrill was born a lab rat in a DNA lab, her intelligence enhanced through unethical and forbidden scientific experimentation even before she was infected with the Ratkin Plague; the Ratkin broke into the lab and infected every labbie with the Plague, though she was the only survivor, having had a vision of her inventing so many new "things" for the world that she was buried in her own workshop/lab beneath it all, which spazzed her out and broke her free of the cages), 2007
Mentor: Humphrey Staub
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (the Ratkin liberators and saboteurs took the confused newly-changed Ratkin away from the labs and taught her the ways and rules of the wererat's life; she was markedly an Engineer from the beginning, evincing high comprehension of what was happening if especially poor vision, including the ability to read at close range, and so she chose her name from the White Pages of the phone book bed they gave her in their warren; she soon proved herself as a clever inventor and gadgeteer, especially with sketchy bio-chemicals, scoring her kudos first by designing a "potion" [talen] that helped any Ratkin shift forms faster)
Comrades: Zelik Itzik, Humphrey Staub, Ivor Carliner, Virgil Mercer, Stella Dickie
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (she continued to prove herself a clever, innovative, and forward-thinking Engineer, able to teach herself from "schematics" of both human and supernatural origin, becoming a provider of local "gear" to wererats looking for unusual stuff)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (she Ranked up with such open aid, even as the pretty little labbie artfully dodged many a tomrat's advances; once Voto, she expanded herself into a "medic" role, given her biochemical skills, offering the motto of "Nurse Cynch, healing in a pinch", even if it rarely was so!)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (then Zelig entered her life and she found herself fascinated and distracted by the handsome "rat fairy")

Battle Scars

Class: Superficial
Description: Long light-pink slashing line
Location: Top of left forearm
Origin: Circular Saw Launcher misfire
Effects: none


Circular Saw Launcher
Appearance: A plastic Nerf gun that's been clearly tinkered with and modified
Origin: Creation
Effects: Fire a sharp bladed disk
Activation: She has a safety mechanism she must release before the weapon can be fired by a trigger; it must be reloaded each time (she's working on an "auto-loader")

Significant Other

Name: Zelig Itzik, 2011
Nature: Volatile


I Can Do That!

She rarely says no to a request for a new device or aid. Merrill's a sweetheart and still somewhat naive, so easily manipulated into overextending herself or worse.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

Unless you count "corruption by the Wyld". Her mind is just too "all over the place".


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