Anaba Brings-the-Peyote


Chindi of the Umbral Danse
Bihkeh of the Memories of Mongoose


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 146 lb.
Ethnicity: Native American
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Blue casual
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Ageless fair beauty and an infectious smile
Supernatural Qualities: Mysterious starry-eyed gaze
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry (lapis lazuli, beadwork, crystals), concealed weapons
Traits: Appearance 3; Ferocity 8, Humor 7, Cunning 9

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 159 lb.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Supernatural Qualities: Mysterious starry-eyed gaze
Accoutrements: Bone knife of some sort
Traits: Appearance 3; Ferocity 8, Humor 7, Cunning 9

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 188 lb.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light brown and black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Mysterious starry-eyed gaze
Accoutrements: Bone knife of some sort
Traits: Appearance 0; Ferocity 8, Humor 7, Cunning 9; Reduced Delirium

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 179 lb.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light brown and black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Mysterious starry-eyed gaze
Accoutrements: none
Traits: Appearance 0; Ferocity 8, Humor 7, Cunning 9

Height: 2'9"
Weight: 44 lb.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light brown and black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Mysterious starry-eyed gaze, even in this normal-looking coyote form
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 3; Ferocity 8, Humor 7, Cunning 9

"The stars are no laughing matter. Wipe that grin off your face. It’s not funny!"

"Then why am I smiling? Youuuuuuuuuu'll seeeeeee."


Date of Birth: March 28th, 1966
Home: Gallup, New Mexico, United States
Family: Shilah and Zaltana Smokehouse (parents); Niya (birth name)
First Change: External Supernatural Trigger (parents were in AIM, arrested by FBI, so she moved onto reservation at Borrego Pass with grandfather; she continued to hear how bad the government was; but during a spirit ceremony she wasn't supposed to attend, she got a whiff of her grandfather's peyote smoke, which lifted her mind up beyond the earth to the stars above, giving her a vision of the universe being devoured by the great spider and worm both, and it inspired in her a cry of defiance, desperation, and sorrow -- that came out as a howl, and as a coyote, she ran off into the night), 1980
Mentor: Bisahalani Nez
The Test: Trial by Wit (her grandpa was not surprised by her change, tracked her down, and revealed his own Nuwisha nature, teaching her the ways of Laughter, and finally testing her readiness into adulthood with a series of spirit-simulated problems that required a variety of solutions catered to the circumstances, ending with an apocalyptic vision even Bisahalani didn't anticipate)
Comrades: Dion Kane, Pierce Shades, Ravin Rante
Key Event #1: Treachery (Anaba communed with Lakshmi as her first totem, and began traveling the continent alone for over a decade to spread humor and wisdom, tricking humans and Garou alike whenever their hubris made them forget reasonable priorities; her efforts were rarely appreciated by the beneficiaries, but the spirits whispered of her rapier wit to the winds)
Key Event #2: War (as the United States wound down the Cold War and dismantled some of its nuclear program, Thunderwyrms began emerging in the western regions of the country in defiance of this nuclear wind-down, and the Garou -- many Wendigo and Uktena Septs -- met the challenge; so, she pitched in by shifting her service to Kishijoten, and became a wandering healer, inspiring and rallying her werewolf allies, and even on occasion pitching in for the fight)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (her pluck earned tossed her name into the hat for consideration of the multi-racial Mongoose's Paws outfit, and she merrily joined, switching her service to the eager Xochipilli to help her keep the team on their toes and disarm lingering War of the Rage tensions)
Key Event #4: War (during the group's final campaign into Malfeas itself, Anaba stayed a pillar of support, and aided in her indirect style of battle as usual, refusing to quit the battlefield until the Duke of Steel was slain, and only then fleeing with the few other survivors)
Key Event #5: Treachery (after the end of the Mongoose's Paws, she shifted back to a life of solitude and began her service to Ptah, eager to keep the horrors of Malfeas from ever connecting to Gaia -- meaning, keeping Pentex out of Space, and she began to facilitate and participate in the sabotage of private space programs all over hemisphere)
Key Event #6: Awe & Wonder (a new vision suggested she round up the surviving Memories of Mongoose and reconnect, possibly even starting anew as a modeling group of Gaia's best heroes and to focus on vanquishing the Wyrm on Gaia rather than suicide missions into Shenti)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (with the other survivors receptive to the idea, they met in the San Francisco area, and she and Ravin Rante began to really connect with their experiences before and after the project)

Past Life

Magnitude: She can remember ancestors vaguely as far back as the 18th-century
Details: The past life that stands out the most was a famous Nuwisha diplomat-healer named Isabel the Uncrowned


Coyote's Fang
Appearance: A giant sharp tooth or bone with vague finger-grips carved or worn into the "hilt"
Origin: Gift
Effects: Attack across the Gauntlet and do aggravated damage
Activation: Wield it while being Nuwisha

Monkey's Puzzle
Appearance: A piece of amber with a human hair trapped inside, strung on a leather cord around the neck
Origin: Creation
Effects: Appear in Homid form to humans while in any form
Activation: Clutch it and whisper a brief prayer in Diné

Tears of Gaia
Appearance: Small rock crystal strung on a leather cord around the neck
Origin: Creation
Effects: Detect the presence of the Wyrm
Activation: Clutch and kiss the crystal while studying one's environment

Significant Other

Name: Ravin Rante; 2012
Nature: Companionship



Until humans end their unholy if (mostly) unwitting alliance with the Worm, they're not allowed to violate the Stars. So decrees Gaia, Luna, Coyote, Ptah, the Umbral Danse, and Anaba. Except, Anaba and the Dansers seem to be doing most of the hard work, and she's pushing back against the progress of a species numbering several billion.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

Anaba's more likely to un-corrupt a Wyrmling than be corrupted. Or at least convince it to kill itself.


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How a typical day in the Umbra goes for Anaba:

"Heeeeeeeeeey! Anaba Brings-the-Peyote! How's it hangin', B is to the P? You carrying, sister?"

"Of course,
Sicheii Coyote."

"Alriiiiiiiight. Hand it over and I will tell you where the next giant metal penis is being erected before its steel balls swell it up with jet fuel."

"Ugh, you're so gross."