Saigo Sugie
"Broken Shell"

Voto of the Nezumi
Iron Reeve of the Temple
Shadow Seer of the Daraku
Stormy Phantom of the Court of Bamboo Talons
Mirror of the Grim Venom of Mother's Vengeance


Height: 5'5"
Weight: 122 lb.
Ethnicity: East Asian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Medium simple brown
Clothing: Black clubwear
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: Light freckles; quasi-gothic fashion; seems distracted or even dippy; often has strange glyphs painted on her bare limbs
Supernatural Qualities: Barely makes a sound at all; sharp edge to gaze
Accoutrements: Light (gothy) makeup
Traits: Appearance 2; Silence; Glory 1, Virtue 1, Wisdom 5

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Barely makes a sound at all; ferocious, beady eyes
Accoutrements: none
Traits: Appearance 0; Silence; Glory 1, Virtue 1, Wisdom 5; Reduced Delirium

Height: 3"
Weight: 2 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Barely makes a sound at all; sharp edge to gaze
Accoutrements: none
Traits: Appearance 2; Silence; Glory 1, Virtue 1, Wisdom 5

"Turn over every rock if you want to find both the worms and shinies."


Date of Birth: October 30th, 1988
Home: Nakagawa, Fukuoka, Japan
Family: Saigo Heiji and Mieko (parents), Sayo (older sister)
First Change: External Supernatural Trigger (average Japanese factory family unaware of Nezumi heritage, Sugie got into the goth scene, was drugged and passed out in a rave warehouse's back alley, nearly raped but Nezumi delivered Plague bite after years of watching her as a potential; she flew into a frenzy, slaying her would-be rapist and vanishing into the sewers), 2001
Mentor: Hashi Toki
The Test: Trial by Wit (Hashi-san bit her and followed her into sewer, waiting for visions to pass and her to survive, and when she did, he began her tutelage, easily severing her from her human life now that she knew; after her initial training and rites ended, he tested her by checking her knowledge of correct spirit chiminage where the incorrect answer would enrage the spirit, and she managed despite how the initial Plaguebite left her often dazed and confused with traumatic fogginess)
Comrades: Waki Kinzo, Yangmei, Edge-of-Bloodwake
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (began early life as Nezumi within an old and esteemed Beast-Court in Fukuoka, joining a real mixed breed of a Sentai as its Mirror, and cutting her teeth over the years servicing the hengeyokai with mystic rites and secret foreknowledge of future enemies and events that she parsed from the sewers and its physical and spiritual denizens)
Key Event #2: War (a brutal Low War began when Bamboo Prince gaki tried to muscle into all the dragon nests and they employed Koga-ryo vampire-ninja; her Sentai was stretched to nearly tearing, and each member had to cover his own bases, so she was left with single-handedly defending the vulnerable sewer access, and rallied many spirits and kin to her aid)
Transition: Defeat (the war with the undead was all but lost; the dragon nest was despoiled and the Beast-Court scattered, with many fallen heroes, so she was reassigned to the Court of Bamboo Talons far abroad in America)


Yomi Slayer Spells (talens)
Appearance: Prayer strips on rice paper inked with dark kaja glyphs. She has 3 of these talens left.
Origin: Creation
Effects: Fling at minions of the Centipede and burn them with holy damage
Activation: Single-use strips hurled like darts; the bound spirit's fragment of energy carries it true

Battle Scars

Class: Deep
Description: Keloid tissue ripples in a strip across her skin
Location: Across the underside of her left forearm
Origin: A hima vampire breathed a gout of ghost-flame at her
Effects: Burning sensation when the weather is hot and humid

Significant Others

Names: Mio Mitsu, Mikura Tomitsu; 2012
Nature: Erotic



Down Below

Sugie is rather antisocial, preferring to spend most of her time in the sewers and out of sight. This is primarily due to the lasting trauma of her initial Plague and First Change. This solitude has, and will again, endanger her welfare.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though a dutiful member of her Beast-Court, she tends to isolate.


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