Averie Piesse
“Tunnels Above”

Voto of the Rat Race
Tunnel Runner of the Warren of Scattered Bones


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 138 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long braided blonde
Clothing: Black and pink casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: A gorgeous and athletic young woman, she is almost always found in little more than colorful sneakers, skintight running shorts, and a sports bra, her hair braided in a simple ponytail, and a keen and intent look to her face that peers beyond the people around her and to the skyline beyond; she may be recognized from the news as a world-famous traceur/expert in parkour (and legally, an infamous trespasser)
Supernatural Qualities: none
Accoutrements: none
Traits: Appearance 5 (provocative); Style 2; Fame 2; Wanted (2); Infamy 3, Cunning 3, Obligation 1

Height: 6'11"
Weight: 205 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Gray fur
Supernatural Qualities: Averie in this form proves far more nimble, especially with that long prehensile and naked tail, but the rest of her body is clearly inhuman, rat-like, with smooth gray-brown fur and sharp little nails and even sharper incisors, but the blooming whiskers around her face demonstrate her curiosity and eagerness with the world she runs in
Traits: Appearance 0; Delirium (reduced); Infamy 3, Cunning 3, Obligation 1

Height: 6"
Weight: .5 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Gray fur
Supernatural Qualities: A common rat, found throughout any and every big city, nothing special to see here, even if her fur's relative cleanliness is notable
Traits: Appearance 5 (provocative); Infamy 3, Cunning 3, Obligation 1

“The world is full of bright-red neon exit signs.”


Date of Birth: June 28th, 1987
Home: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Family: Rémy and Gabrielle Piesse (parents), Marie (older sister), Coline (younger sister)
First Change: Personal Tragedy (born in the heart of Montreal, she enjoyed a moderately middle-class upbringing, no suspicions of the Hidden World; she was always athletic, pursuing lacrosse and savate in her teens; then a Tunnel Runner passing nearby the fields where Averie practiced homed in on the girl's spiritual background and slipped a drop of Plagued blood into the girl's water bottle; she drank and felt dizzy, so went to the locker room and laid down, there having a sweltering vision of the city's sewer tunnels being flooded by a monstrous viral plague that drowned everyone there, and the fright of that changed her into a rat, where she cowered in the corner), 2002
Mentor: Nimble de Rost
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (the Runner followed her into the locker room and rendered comfort and aid, taking her then from her family and the city, traveling Canada and the US together as her mentor, teaching her the ways of the Ratkin, toughening her up for the road alone ahead, testing her by abandoning her in Detroit for a month and seeing how she survived on her own, which she did, even if at times desperate; petty theft resulted in her flight from police, and her innovating rooftop escapes)
Comrades: Tess Smith, Chazworth Reid, Mio Mikura
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (Averie became very good at being quiet and observant from high perches, listening to other people's dirt and tipping off local Ratkin tribes and their Warriors, but never lingering "down under the streets" with them)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (both this lifestyle, Aspect-given mission, and her Plague vision urged her to take up parkour, which she embraced while earning recognition for her helpfully shared "intel" to Ratkin on their rival groups, from human gangs and corporate turks to Bone Gnawer werewolves and vampires)
Transition: Reassignment (she rarely settled anywhere, but did begin a frequent circuit between Kansas City and New Orleans, where she expected this "plague flood" to take place, following Hurricane Katrina; she mastered parkour in many cities though, and for her frequent trespass and occasional petty theft earned the enmity of several local divisions of law enforcement; she also encountered a strange assassin known as the Cat up on the rooftops, and began a secret friendship with the human killer and her alter ego, Tess Smith...)

Battle Scars

Class: Improper Bone Setting
Description: Dislocated joint
Location: Left shoulder
Origin: She missed a parkour jump once and fell many stories, going Crinos almost too late, and shattering her left shoulder; it mostly healed but easily dislocates now
Effects: Any botched Athletics or Brawl roll can dislocate the shoulder again, making that arm useless until she heals the additional two levels of bashing damage

Significant Other

Name: Tess "Nekoko" Smith, 2012
Nature: Companionship


Her World

The world is her oyster, a shell to dance across as she pleases. Most private property enthusiasts are less than enthusiastic about even a smokin'-hot blonde prancing over their rooftops, however. Especially since she unabashedly pauses in choice spots to eavesdrop...

Likelihood of Corruption


She's all over the place but checks in enough with her Wyld-born brethren to keep free of Wyrmie fungoid grossness.


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